your problem is a typical NPcomplete problem
and no polynomial algorithm is possible.
the link you provide just calculates maximal independent set, not
maximum independent set. It turns out this two can be totally

Ken1 wrote:
> I've been trying to do this for a while and now I give up, could
> someone help me with this please.
> Given: undirected graph G and an integer k.
> Does G contain an independent set of size of at least k?
> Basically, I need to prove that the k-independent-set problem is in NP.
> I can easily prove it on paper but I can't figure out the algorithm for
> this and it should be super simple.
> I need to prove that the correctness of a possible solution provided in
> the form of a list of vertices can be verified in polynomial time.
> i found this: but
> i cant seem to put it in a few lines of code
> i guess it should be something like 2 for loops... one inside the other
> and then check that each neighbor of from the list is not connected to
> the next in the solution... Grrr... =/ i dont see how to put it in
> code. help please

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