 I am trying to solve a problem, I think it has to do with Dijkstra's
algorithm ( shortest path problem ) which is :
 1  function Dijkstra(G, w, s)
 2     for each vertex v in V[G]                        //
 3           d[v] := infinity                           // Known
distance function from s to v
 4           previous[v] := undefined
 5     d[s] := 0                                        // Distance
from s to s
 6     S := empty set                                   // Set of all
visited vertices
 7     Q := V[G]                                        // Set of all
unvisited vertices
 8     while Q is not an empty set                      // The
algorithm itself
 9           u := Extract_Min(Q)                        // Remove best
vertex from priority queue
10           S := S union {u}                           // Mark it
11           for each edge (u,v) outgoing from u
12                  if d[u] + w(u,v) < d[v]             // Relax (u,v)
13                        d[v] := d[u] + w(u,v)
14                        previous[v] := u

here is my question:
In Internet routing, there are delays on lines but also, more
significantly, delays at routers.
Suppose that in addition to having edge lengths l(e) : e in E, a graph
also has vertex costs
{c(v) : v in V. Now define the cost of a path to be the sum of its
edge lengths, plus the costs of
all vertices on the path (including the endpoints).
Here is what we want:
Input: A directed graph G = (V,E); positive edge lengths l(e) and
positive vertex costs c(v) ; a starting vertex s in V.
Output: An array cost[.] such that for every vertex u, cost[u] is the
least cost of any
path from s to u (i.e., the cost of the cheapest path), under the
definition above.
Notice that cost[s] = c(s)
Any Help would be appriciated

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