@NUPUL Did you describe an algorithm?

On 3/14/07, NUPUL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 13, 11:55 pm, "Karthik Singaram L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I agree with you completely but for the problem that I posted it is
> > enough that we have O(n) in accessing the elements in order. Your
> > solution does better by calculating every element in O(1) time. The
> > key now is to do the actual sorting with this method
> Firstly your problem is not out of the blue...it's an enquiry for an
> existence of such an algorithm. Secondly, a good deal of research has
> gone into finding algorithms with O(n) sorting time and that too
> inplace (with space of O(1)). This is an ideal requirement! Existing
> Sorting algorithms can only *approximate* such constraints! If such an
> algorithm exists it'll be a breakthrough and everyone will want to
> jump for it! But that algorithm may not be applicable for "general
> use"...i.e. Radix sort was primarliy for punch card based systems
> (that's where it was invented!) and maybe used for sorting on multiple
> keys like in a DBMS.
> Now in your later posts you clarified that it's a binary search tree
> that is stored in an array. You say you don't want to "print" the
> numbers but to sort the array in place. Any reasons for such a
> requirement or just curiosity? Anyways, I don't think such an
> algorithm exists...keep reading texts and do correct me if I'm wrong.
> In fact, I'm left wondering...why would one want to do that?
> Let me get your requirements right:
> 1. A binary search tree stored in an array (1..n)
> 2. you want the array to be sorted inplace in max O(n) time and
> constant space.
> If you want 1 then forget about 2...it's not possible.
> if you want 2 then why the stringent requirement of 1? let it be an
> unordered array and all of a sudden many algos will begin to appear!!
> > There is actually a simpler logic to perform inorder traversal in
> > constant space and O(n) time. Just keep track of the previous node you
> > have visited and the current node.
> Try looking at threaded binary trees.
> >Now If you are coming from the top
> > go left. If you are coming from left down go the right. If you are
> > coming from right down go up.
> Post it algorithmically! This is a confusing way to describe an
> algorithm.
> > The question still remains as to how to apply this permutation in a
> > cute manner to the array so that we can be able to sort the array.
> Good. So you think you may have found a neat little algorithm to help
> you sort but some loop holes still remain. Please continue to read
> texts on algorithms...so as to keep you inplace!
> > To give a hint, a simplistic solution is to swap each element in ith
> > position with the permutation value a[i].
> A hint for what? Is this your second algo? different from the above?
> Then why give a hint and not the complete solution algorithmically
> > The weird nuance of this
> > however is that it doesnt behave in the way we  want since some
> > numbers may move around to different places. Try to impose an
> > ordering.
> So you found another *wierd* flaw (or nuance as you've put it)!
> I suggest you refer "Introduction to algorithms: Cormen."  It'll
> satiate your appetite for the hunt of such an algorithm. If you are
> successful at finding such an algorithm do post it here!
> Regards,
> Nupul
> >

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