well the requirement is only to sort the array

Array repr: 9,6,21,1,7,16,36 (index starting from 1)

Now on sorting the array in place gives: 1,6,7,9,16,21,36

is a perfectly valid answer to the problem.
No one is going to look at the result as a BST, it is going to be
viewed as a sorted array.

Its just a puzzle and not meant to be a practical problem.
You can look at it this way, lets say there were two teams programming.
One team was supposed to provide an ordered data structure which the
other team was supposed to use.
Due to some miscommunication the first team have produced a BST in an
array as their ordered datastructure and the second team have wrote
the code to take in a sorted array.
We need to write a module that converts the BST to an array with no
extra space and in O(n) time.

Radix sort is a great algorithm alright but can you use inside the array itself?
The major constraint is that you cannot use variable amount of extra
space other than the given array.
I dont think radix sort or counting sort will be able to do this
without creating a new representation of the array (say as a list
..which involves O(n) extra space to store the pointers).

I dont think there exists a O(n) bound with using the binary
representation to sort the numbers. Atleast If you use the definition
you have put forth directly.

Radix sort is now an O(nk) sort
where k=number of digits.

In the binary representation k = lgn
Leading to a O(nlgn) bound.

Why is there an attempt to solve a bigger problem of sorting here? The
given array has a nice order in that it a BST, we are converting it to
a different order. Sorting is a much harder problem since the given
elements need not be in order.

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