Let me rephrase the problem.

There are N workers and N jobs. Each worker can be assigned to one job,
and each job must be assigned to some worker.

There are costs, i.e. i-th worker will perform j-th job for m[i,j].

you have to assign workers to jobs such that total cost is minimal.

for example,
100, 40, 2,
1, 50, 90
90, 21, 45

We select 2 from first row, 1 from second row, and 21 from third row
total cost is 2+1+21
100, 40, [2,]
[1], 50, 90
90,[ 21], 45

it is famous problem and as far as I know, there's O(N^3) solutions
 but I couldn't recall problem name and algorithm.


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