In case you are wondering about the part of the proof for k%3<>0, it
goes like this, the given number can be written as 1 + 1000 + 1000000
+ 1000000000 +..and so on
now if for a given k, if we choose the string of k 1s and try to find
the modulus with each of the terms in the above expression,
for all the terms less that 1111...1 (k times) will be the numbers
themselves, for the rest of the terms, this will give 1(000)*00 and
1(000)*0 as the remainders.

Consider any number as 1 followed by m zeros, the remainder when
divided by k1s would be 1 followed by (m%k) zeroes.

Now, there is a beautiful property, consider the sequence
0,3,6,9,12,15,18.... (all the multiples of 3) and try to take mod k
(assuming k%3 <>0 and therefore k is only going to intersect at the
point 3k). The series is
0,3,6...k-(k%3),  k+(k%3), ...., 2k-(2k%3), 2k+(2k%3)...3k
This is valid since k%3 and 2k%3 are going to be non zero since k % 3<>0.
Now note that when taking mod k, the sequence of remainders after k -
(k%3) will be offset by either 1 or 2 . If it is offset by 1 then
after 2k%3 it will be offset by 2, If by 2 after k-(k%3) then by 1
after 2k%3.
the sequence 0,3,6,9...2k under modulus k (k%3<>0) produces all the
numbers from 0..k-1.
This completes the proof, since the set of numbers with 1 followed by
0 to k-1 zeroes when added will give 111..1 k times.
Therefore the number 1 + 1000 + 1000000 + 1000000000 +.. (till 1 (3k)*
) will be divisible by 111..1 ( k times).

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