can any one please tell me how to submit problems in the new acm
i am not able to figure it out !!!

On Sep 10, 8:50 pm, "chandra kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
>    You are right. Thank you for the correction. Actually the error is
> because of the ignorance of the fact that not only the info about the left
> and right child are important but also the order in which the elements in
> the stack are pushed.
>    So instead of having two stacks, this can be implemented by storing some
> extra info regarding the child when a node is pushed in the stack.
> I tried my algo and the code goes here...
> /* program to print the post order traversal of given binary tree without
> using recursion */
> # include <stdio.h>
> # include <errno.h>
> # include <stdlib.h>
> # define MAX_DEPTH 128
> # define LEFT      0
> # define RIGHT     1
> typedef struct _Node
> {
>     int data ;
>     struct _Node *left, *right ;
> } Node ;
> typedef struct _stackElement
> {
>     Node *value ;
>     char childPending ; /* LEFT implies both LEFT and RIGHT are pending */
> } StackElement ;
> static StackElement stack[ MAX_DEPTH ] ;
> static top = -1 ;
> void buildBinaryTree( char *msg, int data, Node ** root ) ;
> void printPostOrder( Node *root ) ;
> void push( Node *value, char childPending ) ;
> StackElement *pop( void ) ;
> int stackNotEmpty( void ) ;
> int main( void )
> {
>     Node *root ;
>     buildBinaryTree( "Enter the value of root: ", 0, &root ) ;
>     printPostOrder( root ) ;
>     return 0 ;
> }
> void buildBinaryTree( char *msg, int data, Node **root )
> {
>     printf( msg, data ) ;
>     scanf( "%d", &data ) ;
>     if( data == 0 )
>     {
>         *root = NULL ;
>         return ;
>     }
>     if( ( *root = ( Node * )malloc( sizeof( Node ) ) ) == NULL )
>     {
>         perror( "malloc( )" ) ;
>         exit( errno ) ;
>     }
>     ( *root )->data = data ;
>     buildBinaryTree( "Left  of %4d is: ", data, &( ( *root )->left  ) ) ;
>     buildBinaryTree( "Right of %4d is: ", data, &( ( *root )->right ) ) ;
> }
> void printPostOrder( Node *root )
> {
>     StackElement *tmp ;
>     while( root )
>     {
>         if( root->left != NULL )
>         {
>             push( root, LEFT ) ;
>             root = root->left ;
>         }
>         else if( root->right != NULL )
>         {
>             push( root, RIGHT ) ;
>             root = root->right ;
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             printf( "%d ", root->data ) ;
>             root = NULL ;
>             while( stackNotEmpty( ) )
>             {
>                 tmp = pop( ) ;
>                 if( ( tmp->childPending == LEFT ) && ( tmp->value->right ) )
>                 {
>                     push( tmp->value, RIGHT ) ;
>                     root = tmp->value->right ;
>                     break ;
>                 }
>                 printf( "%d ", tmp->value->data ) ;
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     putchar( '\n' ) ;
> }
> void push( Node *value, char childPending )
> {
>     if( top >= MAX_DEPTH-1 )
>     {
>         fprintf( stderr, "push : Stack Overflow.\n" ) ;
>         exit( -1 ) ;
>     }
>     ++top ;
>     stack[top].value        = value ;
>     stack[top].childPending = childPending ;
> }
> StackElement *pop( void )
> {
>     if( top < 0 )
>     {
>         fprintf( stderr, "pop : Stack Underflow.\n" ) ;
>         exit( -1 ) ;
>     }
>     return stack + top-- ;
> }
> int stackNotEmpty( void )
> {
>     return top >= 0 ;
> }
> Correct me if I'm wrong.
> Thanks and Regards,
> K.V.Chandra Kumar.
> On 09/09/2007, Phani Kumar Ch. V. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Chandra,
> > First of all Post-order is not the one which prints root first and then
> > its children.
> > Post order means first processing of left and right subtree's and then the
> > data in the node. For eg:
> >           1
> >       2      3
> >    4    5  6   7
> > Post order is: 4 5 2 6 7 3  1
> > Pre order is: 1 2 4 5 3 6 7
> > So, think if your solution works for the post order.
> > Regards
> > Phani
> > On 9/9/07, chandra kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > HI,
> > >     I think the following solution will solve the problem. It's not as
> > > elegant as the previous one but a straight forward try.
> > > post_order( root )
> > > {
> > >     while( root != NULL )
> > >     {
> > >         if( root->left != NULL )
> > >         {
> > >             push( LeftStack, root ) ;
> > >             root = root->left ;
> > >         }
> > >         else if( root->right != NULL )
> > >         {
> > >             push( RightStack, root ) ;
> > >             root = root->right ;
> > >         }
> > >         else
> > >         {
> > >             print( root ) ;
> > >             while( stackNotEmpty( RightStack ) )
> > >                 print( pop( RightStack ) ;
> > >             while( stackNotEmpty( LeftStack ) )
> > >             {
> > >                 root = pop( LeftStack ) ;
> > >                 if( root->right != NULL )
> > >                     break ;
> > >                 print( root ) ;
> > >             }
> > >             if( root->right != NULL )           // break ;
> > >             {
> > >                 push( RightStack, root ) ;
> > >                 root = root->right ;
> > >             }
> > >             else
> > >                 root = NULL ;
> > >         }
> > >     }
> > > }
> > > Correct me if I am wrong.
> > > Thanks and Regards,
> > > K.V.Chandra Kumar.
> > >  On 09/09/2007, chandra kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >     But in your second while( ) loop when the check 'root->left =
> > > > NULL' executes 'root' is already NULL, because only then the first loop
> > > > terminates. So you need to insert the following statement inbetween the
> > > > loops
> > > >     root = pop( )
> > > >     Also your solution assumes that the value at the nodes are of
> > > > 'single character'. Say, if the values are of multiple character 
> > > > strings,
> > > > then instead of 'string_reverse( )' the function 
> > > > 'reverse_words_in_string(
> > > > )'.
> > > >    Other than this the solution should be perfect. Correct me if I'm
> > > > wrong.
> > > > Thanks and Regards,
> > > > K.V.Chandra Kumar.
> > > > On 07/09/2007, anshu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > An alternative algorithm that works without the explored() function
> > > > > could be as under.
> > > > > Just written a rough algorithm, there are a few more optimizations
> > > > > in
> > > > > loop possible,..
> > > > > The basi idea used here is -
> > > > > Post order mean "Data-Left-Right"
> > > > > If pre-order algorithm be executed with the difference that instead
> > > > > of
> > > > > left we explore right.
> > > > > The final order obtained when reversed will give post order.
> > > > > post_order(root)
> > > > > {
> > > > >     string_reverse( func(root));
> > > > > }
> > > > > func(root)
> > > > > {
> > > > >    do {
> > > > >           while(root != NULL)
> > > > >           {
> > > > >                 print(root->data);
> > > > >                 push(root);
> > > > >                 root=root->right;
> > > > >           }
> > > > >           while( root->left=NULL || stack ! empty)
> > > > >                   root=pop()
> > > > >           if(root->left !=NULL)
> > > > >           {
> > > > >                 root=root->left
> > > > >           }
> > > > >    }while( stack ! empty);
> > > > > }
> > > > > On Aug 28, 8:39 am, "chandra kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > >     Need more details about explored(  Node * ) function,
> > > > > >     Consider the "NULL" input
> > > > > >     if your explored( NULL ) returns "true" then I guess that
> > > > > every thing
> > > > > > works fine, and also most of your checks could be eliminated (
> > > > > code will
> > > > > > become simpler )
> > > > > >     if your explored( NULL ) returns "false", then the same case
> > > > > as in my
> > > > > > previous mail will result in wrong answer.
> > > > > > *        if((s->left == null && s->right==null)
> > > > > > ||(explored(s->left)&&explored(s->right)) *
> > > > > > *        ---as s->left == null && explored( s->right )   ( and
> > > > > vice versa
> > > > > > are not there )*
> > > > > > Correct me if I'm wrong.
> > > > > > Thanks and Regards,
> > > > > > K.V.Chandra Kumar.
> > > > > > On 28/08/07, MD <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > > > > > I think first s=pop() in while is not the right approach. This
> > > > > is an
> > > > > > > alternate approach where explored() checks if the node is
> > > > > visited or
> > > > > > > not... hence discarding that path.. and I think the following
> > > > > handles
> > > > > > > the null conditions as well.. (ex given by chandra)
> > > > > > > void postOrderTraversal(Tree *root)
> > > > > > > {
> > > > > > > node * previous = null;
> > > > > > > node * s = root;
> > > > > > > push(s);
> > > > > > > while( stack is not empty)
> > > > > > > {
> > > > > > > if(s->left && !explored(s->left))  //explored check if the node
> > > > > was
> > > > > > > previously visited
> > > > > > >    {push(s->left);
> > > > > > >    s=s->left}
> > > > > > > else
> > > > > > >   {if(s->right && !explored(s->right))
> > > > > > >       {push(s->right);
> > > > > > >        s=s->right;}
> > > > > > >   }
> > > > > > >   if((s->left == null && s->right==null) ||(explored(s-
> > > > > > > >left)&&explored(s->right)) //last level-child or both childern
> > > > > are
> > > > > > > explored
> > > > > > >   { s = pop(); //
> > > > > > >     print(s->data);
> > > > > > >     s= pop(); //POP Again....point s to next element.
> > > > > > >   }
> > > > > > > }//end of while
> > > > > > > }
> > > > > > > On Aug 24, 6:17 am, "Phani Kumar Ch. V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > > Hi all,
> > > > > > > > Please let me know if this pseudo code gives correct solution
> > > > > for
> > > > > > > iterative
> > > > > > > > post-order traversal of a binary tree.
> > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------
> > > > > > > > void postOrderTraversal(Tree *root)
> > > > > > > > {
> > > > > > > > node * previous = null;
> > > > > > > > node * s = null;
> > > > > > > > push(root);
> > > > > > > > while( stack is not empty )
> > > > > > > > {
> > > > > > > >   s = pop();
> > > > > > > >   if(s->right == null and s->left == null)
> > > > > > > >   {
> > > > > > > >     previous = s;
> ...

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