By expanding both log (n!) and n log n

    log (n!) = log n + log (n-1) + ...... + log 2 + log 1            , n
terms here

    n log n = log n + log n      + ...... + log n + log n            , and n
terms here

    n log n    *>*    log (n!)                , n > 1

    n log n    =    log (n!)                , n == 1

    so as said in the mail above    log (n!)  =  O( n log n )

Correct me if I am wrong.
K.V.Chandra Kumar

On 23/10/2007, Allysson Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I'm talking about algorithm complexity can I afirm that:
> The complexity of LOG(N)!   is  NLOGN?
> Ajinkya Kale escreveu:
> On 10/22/07, Allysson Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I have some doubts about summation notation
> > ============================================================
> > 1) Is there a formule like:
> >
> > SUM (LOG i)     i=1  to i=n
> >
> > is equivalent to
> >
> > LOG (N)!
> >
> > This formule is true?
> Yes it is true .
> =============================================================
> > 2) What is relationship between    LOG(N)!   and   NLOGN?
> nlog n = log(n^n) = log( n x n x n x .....n times)
> log(n!) = log( n x n-1 x n-2 x .......x 2 x 1)
> I dont think there is any relation between the 2. Atleast i am not aware
> of any till now.
> =============================================================
> > Thanks
> >
> > Allysson
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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