Big Oh notation only gives the proportionality of the time required for that
particular algorithm.

For an approximation you can assume some hypothetical machine and calculate
the time taken using the costs for loads,stores,etc.
And you can also find the total time for execution using the platform
specific "time" commands. This gives a good comparison bet the expected and
practical timings.
But it is imp to note that in the practical timings the lower order terms
also come into play for the complexity proportionality, hence the expexted
and practical times mostly vary a bit.

On 11/22/07, Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know how the complexity of an algorithms is calculated, but how
> would this relate to the time it takes? Let's say I have 25000 random
> numbers I'd like to sort with the selection sort. Now how could I use
> Big O notation to calculate the time taken to sort these numbers?? I
> mean I understand it's a O(n^2) sort, but how do you approximate time
> taken??
> Thanks in advance.
> >


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