Q) Alternative implementation of deletion

Professor Pisano has proposed the following variant of the FIB-HEAP-
DELETE procedure, claiming that it runs faster when the node being
deleted is not the node pointed to by min[H].


1  if x = min[H]


3     else y  p[x]

4          if y  NIL

5             then CUT(H,x,y)

6                  CASCADING-CUT(H,y)

7          add x's child list to the root list of H

8          remove x from the root list of H

a. The professor's claim that this procedure runs faster is based
partly on the assumption that line 7 can be performed in O(1) actual
time. What is wrong with this assumption?

b. Give a good upper bound on the actual time of PISANO-DELETE when x
min[H]. Your bound should be in terms of degree[x] and the number c of
calls to the CASCADING-CUT procedure.

c. Let H' be the Fibonacci heap that results from an execution of
PISANO-DELETE(H, x). Assuming that node x is not a root, bound the
potential of H' in terms of degree[x], c, t(H), and m(H).

d. Conclude that the amortized time for PISANO-DELETE is
asymptotically no better than for FIB-HEAP-DELETE, even when x min[H].

On Dec 7, 9:51 pm, "James Fang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could u post the problem ?
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: algogeeks@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 代表
> doubt
> 发送时间: 2007年12月8日 11:40
> 收件人: Algorithm Geeks
> 主题: [algogeeks] Solution for problem 20-1
> Does anybody have solution for problem 20-1 in cormen
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