W words in article. If we do not sort the words, it will take O(WT);
if we sort words in each atilcle, it is O(Wlg(W)+Tlg(W)); or maybe
hash is another choice, it takes O(W+T).

If T is small, just use O(WT) way. Otherwise, use sort or hash

Roy M wrote:
> Recently need to think of an efficient way to exact terms from an
> article, and do some processing on it, to make it simple, terms
> translation
> 1. Given I have an article of 1000-2000 words, let the number of words
> be W
> 2. I have a dictionary which consists of all term, let the number of
> terms be T
> 3. For each term appear in the article, translate using the dictionary
> to replace the term in the article
> So assuming three cases,
> a. W > T
> b. W ~ T
> c. W < T
> What kind of algorithms would be suitable for each of them?
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