On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Geoffrey Summerhayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Nov 25, 6:34 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm trying to write an algorithm counting all possible ways (symmetry
> > included) a grid of dimensions NxM can be covered with a prescribed
> > subset of pentominoes. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentomino). The
> > algorithm looks like this
> >
> > let S be the set of pentominoes
> > let G be the grid of dimensions NxM
> >
> > ================================
> > COVER(S, G) :
> >    if G covered: return 1 [1]
> >    solutions = 0
> >
> >    for every p in S :
> >       for (x,y) in (Z_n)x(Z_m) :
> >           if is is possible to put p on (x,y) in G :
> >           solutions += COVER(S, G+p(x,y)) # G+p(x,y) places pentomino
> > p on grid G on coordinates (x,y)
> >     return solutions
> > ================================
> >
> > It is easy to see, that the above pseudocode generates/counts
> > duplicated solutions. For example, consider the grid 5x2 and pentomino
> > "I". The algorithm would count two ways of obtaining the solution
> > "II".)
> >
> > One way I could fix this is to simply add another in [1] and see if
> > this solution was already generated but I'm sure there is a way to
> > avoid generating duplicate solutions altogether. Can somebody explain
> > me how?
> I think I have a way.
> given z pieces and a x-by-y grid
> n=x*y/5
> S=(1,1,1,...1) (n times)
> solutions=0
> repeat
>   G.clear()
>   solutions+=cover(G,S)
> while generate_next(S)
> return solutions
> where generate_next produces the next combination
> of pieces and returns true if it succeeded.
> e.g. for 3 pieces and n=3
> (1,1,1),(1,1,2),(1,1,3),(1,2,2),(1,2,3),(1,3,3),(2,2,2),
> (2,2,3),(2,3,3),(3,3,3),then returns false
> then modify cover
> cover(S, G)
>     if G covered: return 1 [1]
>    solutions = 0
>     p=first(S)
>     for (x,y) in (Z_n)x(Z_m)
>            # I assume you had a loop here
>           # to account for rotation/reflection of non-
>           # symmetrical pieces before placement?
>           if ((previous piece placed was different from
>             the current piece) OR (the position of the
>             current piece is after the position of
>             the last place piece)) AND
>             (it is possible to put p on (x,y) in G):
>                   solutions += COVER(rest(S), G+p(x,y))
>     return solutions
> Can be improved, of course. I think that will
> eliminate duplicates while finding all solutions,
> assuming the loop rotation/reflection of non-symmetrical
> pieces does its job correctly. (there are a couple of
> gotchas here)
> Anyone see a flaw?
> ---
> Geoff
> It is too slow, i replied with better solution , bu i dont know how this
> forum works.

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