pls tell wats difference btwn increasing and non decresing sorted
array.question clearly tells n sorted array.......

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Miroslav Balaz <>wrote:

> of course, you cannot assume that array is in ascending order, it is in
> non-decreasing order however not in ascending
> and you should swap order here :(a[mid+1] > key||mid==high)
> 2009/3/4 Kapil <>
>> just fixing a bug
>> what if you write bin_search as this
>> //assumption array is in ascending order
>> binsearch(high, low, key, a)
>> begin
>>  if low > high
>>   return -1
>>  mid = (high+low)/2
>>  if a[mid] = key And (a[mid+1] > key||mid==high)
>>    return mid
>>  if a[mid] <= key
>>   low = mid+1
>>  else
>>   high = mid - 1
>>  return binsearch(high,low,key,a)
>> end
>> On Mar 4, 3:46 pm, Kapil <> wrote:
>> > what if you write bin_search as this
>> > //assumption array is in ascending order
>> > binsearch(high, low, key, a)
>> > begin
>> >  if low > high
>> >    return -1
>> >  mid = (high+low)/2
>> >  if a[mid] = key And a[mid+1] > key
>> >    return mid
>> >  if a[mid] <= key
>> >    low = mid+1
>> >  else
>> >    high = mid - 1
>> >  return binsearch(high,low,key,a)
>> > end
> >

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