On Apr 30, 12:27 pm, Saurabh <saurabh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Two sorted sequences of size m and n are given. Write an efficient
> algo to find k-th smallest element in the set of combined m+n
> elements. Note that the best possible algorithm runs in O(log(max
> (m,n))).

I will give a sketch of the main algorithm. Details can be easily
filled in.

Let me call the two lists as A and B.

Without loss of generality, I will work out the solution only for
non-trivial case (where the k-th smallest is smaller than some
of both lists). For ease of discussion I also assume that both the
have more than k elements.

Key to the solution is to notice that any solution to this problem
have k/2+x smaller elements from one list and k/2-x from the second
list. Since, k is known the goal of the algorithm is to determine
x. This can be done by a 2-list binary search on A and B.

The 2-list binary search can be done as follows:
if A[k/2] > B[k/2], we will do the binary search on A between l_a
(k/2 initially) and r_a (k initially) index and on B between l_b (0
initially) and r_b (k/2 initially) index.
else ...
2. Recurse on the smaller lists with k/2 untill k/2 becomes 1 which
would be trivially solvable base case.

Termination: at each recursive step k becomes half, hence at some
it would reduce to 1 and algo would terminate.
Correctness: Every step eliminates k/2 smaller elements from the
list. Hence, at termination it would have eliminated
k=k/2+k/4+... elements.
Runtime: The algorithm preseted would actually take O(log k). But in
general the complexity would be min of O(log(max(A_len+B_len))) and
O(log k).

- Raghav Kumar Gautam

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