And as a matter of fact , this seems to be the best solution as well-
clearly greedy fails here.
e.g in the example given :
we have cups of capacity 3, and 5. We can also use capacity of 5-3=2.
So we can use 5 or 3 or 2 literse. The greedy choice to fill 4 liters should
first fill in 3 litres and then it has no way of filling remaining 1 litre.
Clearly best approach would be to fill using 2 litres twice. ( 2*4 = 8
operations) . However because last one is A-B type , we subtract one and get
7 operations.

So only dp works and greedy fails. But however if you have capacities of A
and B in some spcl constraint , we can use greedy as well. For example
consider cups of size 4 litres and 6 litres. :P

I think we can make greedy if A-B is smallest and divides both A and B. then
we can always use greedy. // we need A-B to be smallest just because number
of operations required are more for this .

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:06 PM, nikhil garg <>wrote:

> We at any one step can measure only 3 quantities: A liters , B liters , or
> (A-B) litres. ( assuming A>B)
> With every operation we have a cost associated: For A liter , we need 2
> operations( Fill A , transfer from A to vessel) . For B liter , similarly we
> need 2 operations And for (A-B) litres we need 4 operations in general (
> fill A , transfer A to B, transfer remaining A to vessel and spill B. )
> However if this is the last operation , we dont need to empty B so in that
> case it would take 3 moves.
> But for the moment assume A takes 2 operations , B takes 2 and A-B takes 4.
> So see this as a variation of standard Coin Change problem or use simple DP
> to find the optimal number of operations. Check if in the optimal solution ,
> last move is A-B , if yes, subtract 1 from the answer found ( we dont need
> to spill B now )
> cheers
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 9:23 AM, shah zeb <> wrote:
>> Regards
>> Shahzeb Farooq
>> Chohan
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* ShingRay <>
>> *To:* Algorithm Geeks <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 25, 2009 14:59:58
>> *Subject:* [algogeeks] Pouring Water Problem
>> Given two cups, one of which can contain A litres of water and the
>> other can contain B litres of water, find out the minimum number of
>> steps required to obtain C litres of water in a vessel.
>> At the beginning both cups and the object vessel are empty.
>> These are feasible operations:
>> 1 emptying a cup
>> 2 pouring water from a cup to the other or the vessel
>> 3 filling a cup
>> For example, when A is 3, B is 5 and C is 4, the minimum number of
>> steps is 7.
>> (*) You can fill B, and pour water from B to A, then pour water from B
>> to the vessel.
>> The three operations obtain 2 litres of water. We empty A and repeat
>> (*). We obtain another 2 litres and it takes 7 steps.
>> More examples:
>> A B C minimum
>> 1 2 1 2
>> 1 2 9 10
>> 3 5 12 7
>> 6 7 20 6
>> -----
>> A*x + B*y = C
>> If x, y are both no non-negative, it takes (x+y)*2 steps.
>> If one of them is negative, it takes (x+y)*2-1 steps.
>> We can iterate x from -max(A, B, C) to max(A, B, C) and get many x-y
>> tuples, each of which denote a solution. The minimum solution is the
>> best.
>> I think the iteration range can be reduce.
>> What is a more effective algorithm?
>> ------------------------------
>>  New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
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>> Hurry before someone else does!
>> >>
> --
> nikhil-


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