On Jul 11, 9:58 am, amit <amitjaspal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Give a algorithm to remove extra pair of parenthesis
> Remove unnecessary from an expression :
> 1) (((a))) => a
> 2) (a+b) => a+b
> 3) (a+b)*c => (a+b)*c
> 4)(((a+b)*(c+d))+e) => (a+b)*(c+d)+e

We can build an abstract syntax tree with a simple parser and then
walk the tree to print out the expression with only the parentheses
that are really needed.  If we assume both + and * are associative,
this is very easy: The only case where we need parens is when a +
occurs as either the left or right child of a *.

The problem gets more interesting with - and / because e.g. although
1+2+3 = 1+(2+3), it is not true that 1-2-3 = 1-(2-3). I'll leave this
to you.

So here you go:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Current character.
int ch;

// Very simple scanner.
#define SCAN do ch = getchar(); while (ch == ' ')

// Abstract syntax tree node.
typedef struct node_s {
  int op;
  struct node_s *lhs, *rhs;

// Allocate a new node.
NODE *new(int op, NODE *lhs, NODE *rhs)
  NODE *r = malloc(sizeof *r);
  r->op = op;  r->lhs = lhs; r->rhs = rhs;
  return r;

// Simple recursive descent parser builds syntax tree.
NODE *expr(void);
NODE *term(void);
NODE *factor(void);

NODE *line(void)
  NODE *r = expr();
  if (ch != '\n') {
    fprintf(stderr, "junk after expr\n");
  return r;

NODE *expr(void)
  NODE *r = term();
  while (ch == '+') {
    r = new('+', r, term());
  return r;

NODE *term(void)
  NODE *r = factor();
  while (ch == '*') {
    r = new('*', r, factor());
  return r;

NODE *factor(void)
  NODE *r = 0;
  if (ch == '(') {
    r = expr();
    if (ch != ')') {
      fprintf(stderr, "missing )\n");
  else {
    r = new(ch, 0, 0);
  return r;

// Tree walker prints simplified expression.
void print(NODE *expr);

void parenthesize(int parent, NODE *expr)
  if (parent == '*' && expr->op == '+') printf("(");
  if (parent == '*' && expr->op == '+') printf(")");

void print(NODE *expr)
  if (expr->lhs == 0) // leaf node
    printf("%c", expr->op);
  else {
    parenthesize(expr->op, expr->lhs);
    printf("%c", expr->op);
    parenthesize(expr->op, expr->rhs);

// Parse one expression per line and print simplified form.
int main(void)
  while (1) {
    if (ch == EOF) return 0;

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