On Jul 13, 3:46 am, Tech Id <tech.login....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wont a bitwise trie be too memory intensive?
> Storing an integer would need 32 nodes space and each node would need
> 3-integers space (data, left and right).
> So, if there are a million integers, we will need 32*3 = 96 million
> integers!

Great point. But it may be okay if you're tricky about how you store
things. First, you dont' have to store the values in the nodes, so
you're down to 2 integers. (An integer is in the tree only if a full
corresponding 32-node path exists.) Especially, if you don't have to
change the trie after it's created, you can use cdr-coding.  This
means that you store all (say) left-child descendents of every subtree
root as an array of right child pointers. In this manner, you need
zero bytes for left child pointers. (You do need a way to mark the end
of each array. One common technique is to set the lowest-order bit of
the last right child pointer to 1; since most systems align ints on 4-
byte boundaries, the low 2 bits of every pointer are normallly zero).
So now you are down to 1 word of 32 bits per node.  So your 1 million
integers are representable in 4 million bytes, which is the same as a
simple array of integers.  You can play further tricks to get it even
lower, but I'll let you think about that...

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