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On Aug 19, 11:59 am, Raghava <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In terms of runtime, what is the best known transitive closure
> algorithm for directed graphs?
> I am currently using Warshall's algorithm but its O(n^3). Although,
> due to the graph representation my implementation does slightly better
> (instead of checking all edges, it only checks all out going edges).
> Is there any transitive closure algorithm which is better than this?
> In particular, is there anything specifically for shared memory multi-
> threaded architectures?
> Thanks in advance.
> Raghava.
> PS: I posted this question 
> at
> Reposting it here, so that I may get more responses.
> I deleted my earlier post to this group because it came in as a reply
> to a different post.

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