This is close, but more complicated than necessary.  After you know
how many leading zeros are needed before B, just act like they're
present and use recursion to process right-to-left:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct digit_s {
  struct digit_s *next;
  int val;

DIGIT *new_digit(int val, DIGIT *next)
  DIGIT *d = malloc(sizeof *d);
  d->val = val;
  d->next = next;
  return d;

int length(DIGIT *d)
  int n = 0;
  while (d) {
    d = d->next;
  return n;

void print(DIGIT *d)
  while (d) {
    printf("%d", d->val);
    d = d->next;

static DIGIT *
do_sub(DIGIT *a, int n_leading_zeros, DIGIT *b, int *borrow)
  DIGIT *rtn;
  int b_val, val;

  if (a == NULL) { // b is NULL, too
    *borrow = 0;
    return NULL;
  if (n_leading_zeros > 0) {
    rtn = do_sub(a->next, n_leading_zeros - 1, b, borrow);
    b_val = 0;
  else {
    rtn = do_sub(a->next, 0, b->next, borrow);
    b_val = b->val;
  // Subtract including borrow from previous.
  val = a->val - b_val - *borrow;
  // See if we need to borrow from the next digit.
  if (val < 0) {
    val += 10;
    *borrow = 1;
  else {
    *borrow = 0;
  return new_digit(val, rtn);

DIGIT *subtract(DIGIT *a, DIGIT *b)
  int borrow;
  return do_sub(a, length(a) - length(b), b, &borrow);

int main(void)
  DIGIT *a =
    new_digit(0, NULL))))))));

  DIGIT *b =
    new_digit(9, NULL)));

  DIGIT *r = subtract(a, b);

  print(a); printf(" - "); print(b);
  printf(" = "); print(r); printf("\n");
  return 0;

On Aug 25, 8:25 am, Terence <> wrote:
> 1. Calculate the length of both list (A, B).
> 2. Find the position in the longer list corresponding to the head of
> shorter list, and copy the previous digits to output list C.
>     (Or for simplicity, appending 0 to the shorter list so as to get the
> same length as the longer one)
> 3. Add the two lists into list C without performing carry.
> 4. Perform carries. For each digit x in sum C, and the previous digit px.
>      a) if x < 9, no change to x and px;
>      b) if x > 9, x = x - 10, px = px + 1;
>      c) if x ==9, continue to next digit until you come to a digit x'
> not equal to 9 (or the end of list)
>                  if x' > 9, x' = x' - 10, px = px + 1, and change all
> the 9's in between to 0.
>                 else,  keep all those digits untouched.
> step 3 and 4 can be merged into one pass.
> On 2010-8-25 17:54, Raj N wrote:
> > Input : Two large singly linked lists representing numbers with most
> > significant digit as head and least significant as last node.
> > Output: Difference between the numbers as a third linked list with
> > Most significant digit as the head.
> > Eg:
> > ---
> > Input:
> > A = 5->4->2->0->0->9->0->0
> > B = 1->9->9
> > Output:
> > C = 5->4->2->0->0->7->0->1
> > Required complexity :
> > O(n)
> > Constraint:
> > Reversing linked list is NOT allowed

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