As far as I know; Count sort is O(n+M) where M is the maximum value.
Radix sort is O((n+c)k) where k is the number of digits and c is the
cost of sorting a digit. So in this case if the number were
represented as binary it would be 2, so k = log_2(n^3) = 3logn and
c=2. So the complexity would be O(n^2). If instead of binary a radii
of n is used, although k =  log_n(n^3) = 3, the c is O(n) with count
sort, so i guess O((n+n)3) ) = O(n)

On Oct 2, 10:04 pm, Mridul Malpani <> wrote:
> Radix sort is independent of the range and only depends on the number
> of items.
> here  k=max value= n^3.
>  since , radix sort is independent of k, so here also it sorts "n
> integers" in  O(n).
> On Oct 2, 10:38 pm, "Harshal ..Bet oN iT!!" <> wrote:
> > this theorem is true for comparision sorts only! counting sort is not a
> > comparison sort.

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