Suppose three gunmen are A, B, and C who have a probability of 100%, 50% and
33% respectively. The shooting will start from C, then B and at last A.
Now there are several possibilities for C. If C shoots B, then A would shoot
C with an accuracy of 100% or in other case if C shoots A, then B would
shoot him with an accuracy of 50%. So he has a probability of getting
killed. We can see in either of the cases C will die.
So what C will do in first round is that it will fire the shot in air. Now
the scenario gets interesting. By doing this C has turned the battle among
three people into two people A and B. This will increase the chances of
survival of C. So now its B's turn of firing. So he can fire at either A or
C. If B fires at C, then A will shoot B with an accuracy of 100% and B knows
that he will surely die so B won't do that. If B shoots A, then C will shoot
I think this is the solution. Please point out if there are any loopholes.

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