Another approach will be to insert the elements in order and remove
the first(or the second) half in operation 2
Another approach would be to use a bitset  , just mark all the
elements in the specific range as 0 . We are not supposed to retrieve
the elements so , keep a bit corresponding to every element (has the
number , find it's position and put it there , a simple one one
mapping will do)
Now , just mark all top elements as false on the second go .
PS:Would come up with the proof for amortized complexity soon , but
can be done something like this

First operation O(1) , second operation O(n) .However , we can only
insert or delete , from this sequence of n items , in O(n) time in the
worst case . These operations can be completed in a sequence in O(n)
time . So the amortized complexity should be O(n)/n
or O(1) .
On Jan 30, 3:44 pm, juver++ <> wrote:
> 1. Add element to the end of the array.
> 2. Find median of the array, and partion the array into two sets, the second
> one (where element >= median) is removed.
> At each operation 2, array's size decreasing by factor 0.5.  

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