[quote]"We have a car and we need to find
a petrol pump which can provide so much of petrol that we can take a
full of the circle."[/quote]

So , we just need to find a petrol pump which takes you "just" a full
circle , not anything ahead , not anything behind .

1)Sort the petrol he can get from maximum stations .If the total
distance is not given , calculate this while sorting .
Binary search over this array for the required distance .

complexity :-O(nlogn+k)
2)Hash it !! keep a hash for all the distance in some boolean
array .now find out the one which can get you the full circle , O(n)
complexity . Not space efficient .

3)Using dynamic programming .

dp[i][j] :-The distance we still need to cover (j) .while , we are on
the started at the ith station .
dp[i][0]:- answer , we need to look at the all the dp pairs for the
answer .
dp[i][j]= min(dp[i+next[i][j-d[i][next[i]]])

Basically a BFS . O(n^2) . worst case .

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