thankx terence and tushar

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Terence <> wrote:

> All but the last person could get free.
> The last person tells the parity of number of RED(or BLACK) hat before
> him.(and pray God's forgiveness :<)
> Then the rest can tell the color of his own hat using what he sees before
> him and what he/she hears from behind.
> On 2011-3-3 16:18, freecoder wrote:
>> You are one of 20 prisoners on death row with the execution date set
>> for tomorrow.
>> Your king is a ruthless man who likes to toy with his people's
>> miseries. He comes to your cell today and tells you:
>> “I’m gonna give you prisoners a chance to go free tomorrow. You will
>> all stand in a row (queue) before the executioner and we will put a
>> hat on your head, either a red or a black one. Of course you will not
>> be able to see the color of your own hat; you will only be able to see
>> the prisoners in front of you with their hats on; you will not be
>> allowed to look back or communicate together in any way (talking,
>> touching.....)
>> (The prisoner in the back will be able to see the 19 prisoners in
>> front of him
>> The one in front of him will be able to see 18…)
>> Starting with the last person in the row, the one who can see
>> everybody in front of him, he will be asked a simple question: WHAT IS
>> He will be only allowed to answer “BLACK” or “RED”. If he says
>> anything else you will ALL be executed immediately.
>> If he guesses the right color of the hat on his head he is set free,
>> otherwise he is put to death. And we move on to the one in front of
>> him and ask him the same question and so on…
>> Well, good luck tomorrow, HA HA HA HA HA HA!”
>> Now since you all can communicate freely during the night, can you
>> find a way to guarantee the freedom of some prisoners tomorrow? How
>> many?
> --
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