How can u find the shortest substring from the tree in 0(n). Can u
please elaborate a bit ?

On Jun 14, 6:03 pm, bittu <shashank7andr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found one interesting question
> Given a string s , return the shortest substring that is
> only occurring once.
> Examples:
> s="aabbabbaab" gives either "bab" or "baa"
> s="aaaa" gives "aaaa"
> My Approaches
> Generate All Possible SubStrings O(N^2)
> puts all substrings into hashtable & keep incrementing counter for
> each substring , return substring with counter 1 memory O(N)
> Not efficient
> Create Suffix Tree Seems to be Efficient Solution Only You Need to do
> Create Tree & then we can find the
> shortest substring that is only occurring once. in O(n) time
> PS: let me other approaches,suggestion
> Thanks
> Shashank
> CSE,BIT Mesra

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