Assumption 1: The alphabet size of the dictionary is a constant 'c' 
independent of the dictionary size 'n' (a reasonable assumption valid for 
this case).
Assumption 2: Words are allowed to repeat in the array. (Otherwise it's a 
huge combinations explosion)

Create a 2D array elements such that

elements(i, j) = intersection(children(elements(i-1, j)), 
children(elements(i, j-1)))

elements(0, i) and elements(i, 0) point to root nodes in the suffix tree.

Make sure you memoize the values (Dynamic programming)


* elements(i, j) is a set of pointers into a suffix tree of the words in a 

* intersection(pointer_list1, pointer_list2) keeps all those pointers whose 
character values
are present in both lists and removes duplicate pointers.

* children(pointer_list) yields the pointer list of all child nodes of 
pointers in the pointer_list.
By child node, we mean the node corresponding to the next character in a 
valid word.

Algo to get the max rectangle:

for(i = 0 to infinity) {
   if(size(elements(i, 1)) == 0) break; // can't extend column

   for(j = 0 to infinity) {
      if(size(elements(i,j)) == 0) break; // can't extend row

Output (i, j) as the result.

Note: This will be a fairly complex algo to implement.


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