Use a Max heap..

first take the first 10 stations and build a min heap O(10)..Heap contains
distance between 2 stations  . Initial Heap will contain 10 min distances
with highest at the top . Now 11 th comes u compare with the root of the
heap . If its less than that than replace it with the top and run heapify
(O(log10) ) ..keep doing the same . In the end u have 10 stations with min
distance between them

Complexity O(10) + O(log(10)) = O(1) ..Comparision takes constant time

So total complexity O(1)


On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 2:16 AM, Gene <> wrote:

> All possible subsets of 10 elements is B(100,10), which is over 17
> trillion. Not a great algorithm.
> You can do this by constructing sets S_0, S_1, S_2, ... S_10, S_11 of
> stations accessible from the start in 0,1,2,...10, 11 hops. The 11th
> is from the final station to the destination. It's simple to construct
> S_i+1 from S_i.  I'll leave it to you.  For each element of each S_i
> it's also straightforward to keep track of the min of the max distance
> that had to be traversed to get to there and a backward pointer to the
> previous station on the best path. (A bit of care is needed for the
> case where there's a cycle in the path.  In this case a city may have
> two or more predecessors!) After you've constructed S_11, look for the
> destination there.  If you find it, read off the path in reverse using
> the back pointers.  If it's not there, there exists no path of length
> 10.
> If this sounds like Dijkstra's shortest path to you, you're onto
> something.  It's pretty close except that the concrete length of 10
> simplifies things.
> If you are interested in paths with fewer than 10 stations, that's a
> simple modification I'll also leave to you.
> On Sep 16, 8:22 pm, pankaj kumar <> wrote:
> > You are given two end points ( consider them as two end stations
> > at some distance  ) there are 100 stations between these two . Now you
> > need to build a train track between these two end points which
> > includes only 10 stations and not more than that . Now the objective
> > is to find such 10 stations such that the maximum distance between any
> > two consecutive stations is minimum .
> >
> > mine solution is
> >
> >  find all  possible subset of 10 elements and answer is that subset
> > for which sum (of distance  between
> > consecutive stations )is minimum..
> > is it correct or any other solution.
> --
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