1. Java uses stack for byte code in JVM - each instruction is of one
byte, so how many such instructions are possible in an operating

2. Three processes p1, p2, p3, p4 - each have sizes 1GB, 1.2GB, 2GB,
1GB. And each processes is executed as a time sharing fashion. Will
they be executed on an operating system.

3. write a recursive program for reversing the linked list.

4. write a program for checking the given number is a palindrome.
( dont use string / array for converting number ).

5. write a recursive program for multiplying two numbers a and b, with
additions. The program should take care of doing min # additions as
that of which ever number is lower between a and b.

6. There are two sets A and B with n integers, write a program to
check the whether there exists two numbers a in A and b in B such that
a+b = val ( val is given );

7. write a program to return the row number which has max no of one's
in an array of NxN matrix where all 1's occur before any 0's starts.

8. For every number that has 3 in its units place has one multiple
which has all one's i.e. 111 is such multiple and 13 has a multiple
111111. Write a program to find such multiple for any number that has
3 at its units place.

9. what are the maximum no of edges that can be connected in a graph
of n vertices and 0 edges such that after adding edges given graph is
still disconnected.

10. One Question on critical section.

For Analytical Test - Prepare the Questions in the barrons book of
sample paper - 2 ( they have give two passages )

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