Can you just generate them sorted?

1 is the minimum
1 << 1 is the next in line
1 << 2 is the next one

1 << N
11 << 1

and so on

Am i wrong?

Il 19/10/2011 19:33, Vandana Bachani ha scritto:
Completing it... Got sent before I completed

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Vandana Bachani < <>> wrote:

    Better logic:
    create a list array of lists 'arr' (like a hash table with lists).
    Array size is N represents 1 to N bits and lists that will
    increase as we add more elements to it. a.
    for(i = 1; i <= 2^N; i++)
       c = count no. of 1s. in i
       add i to list arr[c-1].


   for (i = 0; i <  N; i++)
      print list arr[i]

    On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Vandana Bachani
    < <>> wrote:

        We can work on this problem from the way we construct the
        First we generate a binary tree such that each leafnode
        corresponds to one of the 2^N nodes. We start we an empty
        root, creating 0, 1 nodes assigning one bit at a time upto N
        levels (there would be 2^N - leafnodes) but while doing that
        we can assign weights and values to each node as we construct
        the tree. (In a breadth first fashion). node.weight =
        node.parent.weight + 0/1 (based on whether it lies on the 0th
        edge (left edge) of the parent or the 1th edge (right edge) of
        the parent, we can say 0 ad 1 are respective edge weights) and
        node.value = node.parent.value*2 + 0/1.
        We will add the leaf nodes to an array(sequence) as they get
        created when we reach "nth" level in the tree. Sort the array
        of nodes by weight and by value in case of tie.


        On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:33 AM, aritra kundu
        < <>> wrote:

            *Question 1 / 1*
            Given an integer *N*, there are *2^N* binary codewords of
            length N. All of them are taken and sorted to create a
            sequence: Sort by the number of 1-bits in the codeword
            bit-string. If there is a tie, break tie so that the
            smaller number comes first in the output sequence

            *Testcases format:*
            You would be given 2 integers *N* (<=10) and *K* (1 <= K
            <= 2^N)
            Output the codeword with index K into this sequence
            The input is from stdin and output to stdout

            *Sample Testcases:*
            *Input #00:*
            3 5
            *Output #00:*
            For N = 3, the sequence consists of
            111}. The 5th indexed number would be 011

            *Input #01:*
            7 127
            *Output #01:*
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