one approach could be following :-

i have check MS-word and found out that for a given incorrect
words....words suggested are of length = lenght(incorrect_word)+1 or to be
on a safer side take it as lenght(incorrect_word)+2.

we are assuming that we user is not making mistake greater that

for for input auw  , suggested words are auk,aiwa,awe,awl,aduwa.

so before running " levenshtein distance " ... check if the given word in
dictionary passes this here we have narrowed down the sugessted

you can further refine it by the following ways:-

and all passed strings from above approach , make one more check...

check the similarity between incorrect string and suggested string...

check if incorrectString[i...m]==suggestedString[i...n];
here we are just checking ascii value of of both strings at position[i];
this would take O(n)..
if the difference is not greater that suggested strlen(incorrect_string)/2;

obv there could be many string which would pass above test.
now run this  levenshtein distance B/W incorrect_string and string which
has passed both of above test... and show only those string whose cost is

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 3:07 AM, Ravi Ranjan <>wrote:

>  i wanna write the "spell check function"
> like when we put some word with spelling mistake then it tell the most
> suitable word matching to it( green error line of spelling in MS-Word)
> i used  "levenshtein distance " algorithm to find the subset from the
> dictionary
> but it is a linear search... and takes much......
> so is there any other data structure or approach to solve the problem to
> reduce complexity....... or "levenshtein distance " algorithm can be used
> in some other way
>  --
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