
Just understood what you were asking...

atul is nearly right. You got to remove the unused items from
LinkedList after calling "print(left,..") and "print(right, ..)",
which might contain more than one item.

Since I'm not a Java guy, I just wrote some snippet using F# to
illustrate the idea. Hope it helps.

type BinaryTree<'a> =
    | Node of BinaryTree<'a> * BinaryTree<'a> * 'a
    | None

 let rec PrintPath (root : BinaryTree<'a>) list =
    match root with
    | None -> ()
    | Node(left, right, value) ->
        let list = value :: list
        PrintPath left list
        PrintPath right list

        if left = None && right = None then
            printfn "%A" (List.rev list)

 let tree = Node(Node(Node(None, None, 1), Node(None, None, 5), 2), None, 7)
 let list = []
PrintPath tree list

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