If we need to find the first petrol pump from where we can reach safely to 
the whole circle.Then ---
Algo :- remaining[i] = P[i] - D[i]
1- scan the array from left to right,while traversing keep track of  two 
      a- total no.of points where  remaining[i] < 0 
      b- a pointer to the location next to largest contiguous negative sum 
.This is to ensure that while traversing the circle,the points having 
maximum negative remaining petrol come in the end
Now if a==0, all points are valid points to start
        if( a==total points)  there are  no valid points to start
         start from the location pointed to by p.If it satisfies the 
condition,then it can be start point.Else no valid points to start.

On Monday, 24 October 2011 16:36:24 UTC+5:30, Aniket wrote:
> Suppose there is a circle. You have five points on that circle. Each 
> point corresponds to a petrol pump. You are given two sets of data. 
> 1. The amount of petrol that petrol pump will give. 
> 2. Distance from that petrol pump tp the next petrol pump. 
> (Assume for 1 lit Petrol the truck will go 1 km) 
> Now calculate the first point from where a truck will be able to 
> complete the circle. 
> (The truck will stop at each petrol pump and it has infinite 
> capacity). 
> Give o(n) solution. You may use o(n) extra space.

On Monday, 24 October 2011 16:36:24 UTC+5:30, Aniket wrote:
> Suppose there is a circle. You have five points on that circle. Each 
> point corresponds to a petrol pump. You are given two sets of data. 
> 1. The amount of petrol that petrol pump will give. 
> 2. Distance from that petrol pump tp the next petrol pump. 
> (Assume for 1 lit Petrol the truck will go 1 km) 
> Now calculate the first point from where a truck will be able to 
> complete the circle. 
> (The truck will stop at each petrol pump and it has infinite 
> capacity). 
> Give o(n) solution. You may use o(n) extra space.

On Monday, 24 October 2011 16:36:24 UTC+5:30, Aniket wrote:
> Suppose there is a circle. You have five points on that circle. Each 
> point corresponds to a petrol pump. You are given two sets of data. 
> 1. The amount of petrol that petrol pump will give. 
> 2. Distance from that petrol pump tp the next petrol pump. 
> (Assume for 1 lit Petrol the truck will go 1 km) 
> Now calculate the first point from where a truck will be able to 
> complete the circle. 
> (The truck will stop at each petrol pump and it has infinite 
> capacity). 
> Give o(n) solution. You may use o(n) extra space.

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