Johnson trotter algorithm is another way to generate all permutations......
On Saturday, May 5, 2012 4:08:13 PM UTC+5:30, Sairam wrote:
>  I have written a code which gives all permutations of a string. I have 
> assumed that all the characters in a given string are distinct. 
> The main idea is as follows
> -if suppose "abc" is given first 
>  my base case is to form permutations of two characters
> so I will have "ab" and "ba"
> Now, I will just switch places of c - like "cab","acb" and "abc" - from 
> the string "ab" 
> Similarly obtain "cba","bca" and "bac" from "ba".
> I have implemented this logic using recursion. The implementation is given 
> below
> I would like to know is there is any other efficient ways to do this
> #include<iostream>
> #include<string>
> #include<string.h>
> #define SIZE 7
> using namespace std;
> string * permutations (char *array,string *stringarray,int len);
> string * Join(string *stringarray,char append);
> int factorial (int n);
> int numpermutations;
> main()
> {
>     char array[]="bcad";
>     //Write a program to find the factorial of a number
>     numpermutations = factorial(strlen(array));
>      string *stringarray = new string[numpermutations];
>      int i;
>      for(i=0;i<numpermutations;i++)
>       stringarray[i] = "\0";
>       permutations(array,stringarray,strlen(array)-1);
>       i=0;
>       while(i!=numpermutations)
>       {
>           cout<<stringarray[i]<<endl;
>         i++;
>       }
> }
> int factorial (int n)
> {
>  int fact;
>     if(n==2)
>     return 2;
>     else
>     {
>         fact = n*factorial(n-1);
>         return fact;
>     }    
> }
> string *permutations(char *array,string *stringarray, int len)
> {
>     string * tempstring;
>     if(len == 1)
>     {
>         char temp[3];
>         temp[0] = array[0];//Here I am doing the swapping 
>         temp[1] = array[1];
>         temp[2] = '\0';
>         stringarray[0] = temp;
>         temp[0] = array[1];
>         temp[1] = array[0];
>         temp[2] = '\0';
>         stringarray[1] = temp;
>         int i;
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         stringarray = 
> Join(permutations(array,stringarray,len-1),array[len]);//using recursion
>     }
>     return stringarray;
> }
> string * Join(string *stringarray,char append)//This is to join string  
> and a character
> {
>    int str_len = stringarray[0].length();//Get the length of one of  the 
> strings
>     string tempstring[numpermutations];
>     int i;
>     for(i=0;i<numpermutations;i++)
>     tempstring[i] = "\0";
>     int j,temparrayindex=0;
>     i=0;
> /*    cout<<"First print wht is string  array"<<stringarray[0]<<endl;
>     cout<<"stringarray[1]"<<stringarray[1]<<endl;*/
>     while(stringarray[i]!="\0")
>     {
>         char *temp = new char[str_len+1];
>         for(j=0;j<=str_len;j++)
>         {
>             int k;
>             for(k=0;k<j;k++)
>             temp[k] = stringarray[i][k];
>             temp[k] = append;
>             for(k=j+1;k<=str_len;k++)
>             temp[k] = stringarray[i][k-1];
>             temp[k]='\0';
>             tempstring[temparrayindex]=temp;
>             temparrayindex++;
>         }
>         delete []temp;
>         i++;
>     }
>     i=0;
>     while(i != numpermutations)
>     {    
>         stringarray[i] = tempstring[i];
>         i++;
>     }    
>     return stringarray;
> }

On Saturday, May 5, 2012 4:08:13 PM UTC+5:30, Sairam wrote:
>  I have written a code which gives all permutations of a string. I have 
> assumed that all the characters in a given string are distinct. 
> The main idea is as follows
> -if suppose "abc" is given first 
>  my base case is to form permutations of two characters
> so I will have "ab" and "ba"
> Now, I will just switch places of c - like "cab","acb" and "abc" - from 
> the string "ab" 
> Similarly obtain "cba","bca" and "bac" from "ba".
> I have implemented this logic using recursion. The implementation is given 
> below
> I would like to know is there is any other efficient ways to do this
> #include<iostream>
> #include<string>
> #include<string.h>
> #define SIZE 7
> using namespace std;
> string * permutations (char *array,string *stringarray,int len);
> string * Join(string *stringarray,char append);
> int factorial (int n);
> int numpermutations;
> main()
> {
>     char array[]="bcad";
>     //Write a program to find the factorial of a number
>     numpermutations = factorial(strlen(array));
>      string *stringarray = new string[numpermutations];
>      int i;
>      for(i=0;i<numpermutations;i++)
>       stringarray[i] = "\0";
>       permutations(array,stringarray,strlen(array)-1);
>       i=0;
>       while(i!=numpermutations)
>       {
>           cout<<stringarray[i]<<endl;
>         i++;
>       }
> }
> int factorial (int n)
> {
>  int fact;
>     if(n==2)
>     return 2;
>     else
>     {
>         fact = n*factorial(n-1);
>         return fact;
>     }    
> }
> string *permutations(char *array,string *stringarray, int len)
> {
>     string * tempstring;
>     if(len == 1)
>     {
>         char temp[3];
>         temp[0] = array[0];//Here I am doing the swapping 
>         temp[1] = array[1];
>         temp[2] = '\0';
>         stringarray[0] = temp;
>         temp[0] = array[1];
>         temp[1] = array[0];
>         temp[2] = '\0';
>         stringarray[1] = temp;
>         int i;
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         stringarray = 
> Join(permutations(array,stringarray,len-1),array[len]);//using recursion
>     }
>     return stringarray;
> }
> string * Join(string *stringarray,char append)//This is to join string  
> and a character
> {
>    int str_len = stringarray[0].length();//Get the length of one of  the 
> strings
>     string tempstring[numpermutations];
>     int i;
>     for(i=0;i<numpermutations;i++)
>     tempstring[i] = "\0";
>     int j,temparrayindex=0;
>     i=0;
> /*    cout<<"First print wht is string  array"<<stringarray[0]<<endl;
>     cout<<"stringarray[1]"<<stringarray[1]<<endl;*/
>     while(stringarray[i]!="\0")
>     {
>         char *temp = new char[str_len+1];
>         for(j=0;j<=str_len;j++)
>         {
>             int k;
>             for(k=0;k<j;k++)
>             temp[k] = stringarray[i][k];
>             temp[k] = append;
>             for(k=j+1;k<=str_len;k++)
>             temp[k] = stringarray[i][k-1];
>             temp[k]='\0';
>             tempstring[temparrayindex]=temp;
>             temparrayindex++;
>         }
>         delete []temp;
>         i++;
>     }
>     i=0;
>     while(i != numpermutations)
>     {    
>         stringarray[i] = tempstring[i];
>         i++;
>     }    
>     return stringarray;
> }

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