1 10 2 2

a,a+d,a+2d,a+3d,a+4d are all multiple of 2 , so basically you need to
count elements which are multiple of 2 and then subtract from the 1-10

number of elements multiple of of 2 = (m/2) = 10/2 = 5
range = ( m - n) + 1 = 10

number of elements not multiple of 2 = range -  5 = 10 - 5 = 5(ans)


20 100 3 3


same as above case a,a+d,a+2d,a+3d,a+4d all are multiple of 3

number of elements multiple of of 3(1..to..100) = (m/2) = 100/3 = 33
now 33 includes elements which lies b/w 1-19 , but we dont want those count
so remove those count..

number of elements multiple of of 3(1..to..19) =(n-1)/2 = (19/2) = 6
desired count lies b/w range (20-100) = 33 - 6 = 27
range = ( m - n) + 1 = 81

number of elements not multiple of 3 = range -  27 = 81 - 27 = 54 (ans)

so we just applying general formula :-
n(A U B) =n(A) + n(B) - n(A intersection B)

but in above 2 examples both a and d were same or could be multiple of
each other....this is a simple scenario .


20 100 2 3
suppose a = 2 , d = 3
now i am considering only a and a+d ...just to give you the idea..
so we need to find elments b/w 20-100 not divisible by 2 and 5.

using same method as above :-
elements divisible by 2 = 41
elements divisible by 5 = 17
total elements = 41 + 17 = 58

but some number are include twice in 58 ....number which are multiple
of both 2 and 5 i.e once by calculating counts for 2 and another while
calculating count for 5.
eg 10 = 5 x 2 , 20 = 4 x 5...etc..

so now we want to remove these double inclusion i.e calculating n(A
intersecting B).

which is nothing but same as counting elements divisible by ( a X a+d
) i.e 2 X 5 =10
by same method :-

elements divisible by 10 = 9
correct count of elements in range (20-100) = 58 - 9 = 49

number of elements not multiple of 2 or 5 = 81 - 49 = 32 (ANS)

now i hope you got the idea....

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