Hi Aditya,
     In C++ member variables gets initialized to garbage values. So in
child function T->Symbol is garbage and is not null so it returns because
of null check. Next in your insert method you try to access that garbage
value. This will cause a crash.

When you remove the cmnt1, you intialize symbol field properly and hence
you see no crash.

As a general practice, always initialize member variables in C++ to some
value. I believe that was your intention of calling child method from
makeTrie function.


On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 5:48 AM, Aditya Raman <adityarareloa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I was trying to implement Trie in c++ for the first time and got some
> issues in coding its implementation.
> The code has 2 commented lines namely cmnt1 and cmnt 2.
> I dont understand how does it make a difference if i use cmnt1 instead of
> cmnt2 .
> Both lines are intended to check if a node in the Trie has childs never
> initialized before.
> ----------------------------- Code Below
> -----------------------------------------------
> #include <fstream>
> #include <iostream>
> #include <cstdio>
> #include <algorithm>
> #include <cstring>
> #include <string>
> #include <cctype>
> #include <stack>
> #include <queue>
> #include <list>
> #include <vector>
> #include <map>
> #include <sstream>
> #include <cmath>
> #include <bitset>
> #include <utility>
> #include <set>
> #include <numeric>
> using namespace std;
> struct TrieNode
> {
>        bool leaf;
>  TrieNode* symbol;
>        };
> void child(TrieNode* T)
> {
> ////cmnt1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>          ////////if( T->symbol != NULL)return;
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>      T->symbol=(TrieNode*)malloc(26*sizeof(TrieNode));
>       for(int i=0;i<26;i++)
>          { T->symbol[i].leaf=false;
>          T->symbol[i].symbol=NULL;
>           }
> }
> TrieNode* makeTrie( )
> {
>           TrieNode* T=(TrieNode*)malloc(sizeof(TrieNode));
>           T->leaf=false;
>           child(T);
>            return T;
>           }
> void insert(string A,TrieNode* root)
> {TrieNode* temp=root;
>      int i;
>    for(i=0;i<A.length()-1;i++)
>    {    temp=&(temp->symbol[A[i]-'A']);
> //cmnt2//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>              if( temp->symbol== NULL)
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>              child(temp);
>                           }
>    temp=&(temp->symbol[A[i]-'A']);
>    temp->leaf=true;
>      }
>  vector<char> display;
> void print(TrieNode* T)
> {
>    if(T->leaf==true){ for(int i=0;i<display.size();i++)cout<<display[i]<<"
> ";cout<<endl;  }
>    if(T==NULL)return;
>           if(T->symbol!=NULL){
>    for(int i=0;i<26;i++)
>    {
>      display.push_back('A'+i);
>      print(&T->symbol[i]);
>      display.pop_back(); }
>    }
>      }
>  int main()
>  {
>      TrieNode* root=makeTrie();
>      insert("ADI",root);
>      insert("CAT",root);
>      insert("ADII",root);
>      print(root);
>   //   system("pause");
>      }
> -----------------end of code---------------------
> if i  remove code of cmnt 1(like in the pasted code) and directly use the
> code of cmnt 2 then trie code runs smooth .But if do the opposite case
> ,which is logically the same ,the code fails to run. kindly help!
> --

Sachin Maheshwari
Cell phone: +91.7259917298

"If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason; the possibility of
life is destroyed." - Alexander Supertramp


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