We have a game of matchboxes with the following rules:
* It is a 2-player game.
* There are n matchboxes with varying number of matchsticks in them. The n 
matchboxes are numbered from 1 through n.
* The two players take alternating turns.
* Both players can count how many matchsticks are remaining in each box at 
any time.
* In each turn, the player playing the turn removes matchsticks from 
exactly one box. The rule for choosing the box is described below.
* In any turn the matchbox that is chosen must have the highest number of 
matchsticks before the turn. If there are multiple such boxes, the matchbox 
that is numbered higher is chosen.
* The player can choose to remove any number of matchsticks ranging from 1 
to the total number of matchsticks in the matchbox chosen as per the rules.
* The game ends when all matchboxes are empty.
* The player who played the last turn wins.
A move is called a “winning move” if after the move, the player who made 
the move can eventually win irrespective of what the opponent does. You are 
required to write a program which analyzes a given state of the game and 
finds a winning move. If there are multiple winning moves, you have to pick 
the move where the number of matchsticks removed is maximum among all 
possible winning moves.

*Input Format*
First Line will contain number of test cases: T(1 <= T <= 100).
For each test case: First line contains number of matchboxes: n(1 <= n <= 
Next line contains n non-negative integers(<= 10000) as number of 
matchsticks in matchboxes from left to right.

*Output Format*
For each testcase print a single line:
If there is no winning move print “No winning move” without quotes.
else print “Remove number_of_matchsticks matchstick from matchbox 

*Sample Input*
0 0 10
1 1 1
1 1

*Sample Output*
Move 10 matchstick from matchbox 3
Move 1 matchstick from matchbox 3
No winning move

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