I'm running xmms 1.2.10 which I compiled on Slackware 9.1. 

When I play a subdirectory set up with shift-L, the music _appears_ to
play but I get no actual audio. 

I've checked a lot of things but seem to be missing one critical

I have another nearly identical system "master" which is my working
system. Xmms plays fine on that one but not on "mp3server" to be. 
So far I can't tell what is different.

What could I be missing? Some dumb thing I bet. 

This is what I've done so far: 

Removed oss sound:
I _thought_ I removed the oss sound package but cannot find
it in /var/log/removed_packages.
Can't find it with pkgtool either.
I'm pretty sure it's gone since all my modules that concern sound start
with snd- except soundcore of course.

Used alsaconf to setup alsa. 

Set Master, MasterM and PCM pretty high in alsamixer 
and did alsactl store. 

Sound plays fine when KDE starts. 

The ~/.xmms/config is the same in both systems. 

Output plugin is set for alsa not oss.

Did chmod a+rw in /dev/mixer* /dev/dsp* and /dev/audio* 

Made user lba a member of the sys group. 

Used shift-L to select a subdirectory and I can see the title and
graphics  as each song "plays" but I don't hear anything.

I copied over the "Master" ~/.asoundrc which did not exist on "mp3server"
for some reason.

I used mpg321 to play an mp3 file and it sounded just fine.
Maybe the problem is with xmms?

I've run out of ideas. Any help appreciated.

Larry Alkoff

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

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