Hi.  I've narrowed down the problems with the Layla.  I decided to reinstall everything, with Fedora 3 and all of the new Alsa drivers, firmware, tools, etc.  The whole shebang.  The problem is inserting the Layla.  I get this error, documented in the install notes at

From the website:

The driver compiles fine, but the modules can't load. modprobe complains:
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
and dmegs show errors like these:
snd_darla20: disagrees about version of symbol snd_pcm_new
snd_darla20: Unknown symbol snd_pcm_new

Every symbol in the kernel (symbols are function names, variable names, etc.) have a version number attached. The version number depends on: compiler, kernel, some kernel config, architecture. All of them must match otherwise you are not allowed to load a module. The purpose is to prevent the user to load incompatible modules. So, when you compile a kernel module (alsa in this case) you must use the same gcc and the same kernel sources with the same .config of the kernel you're running. Sometimes distibutions ship with an unconfigured kernel sources tree. You can either guess the right configuration (unlikely) or configure and compile your own kernel, install it and compile and install alsa.

I don't know how to fix this.  Can someone help me? 


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