Simon Mayr wrote:
> You didn't say it, but I think the files you have backuped were ok.
> So at least one of them (original & backup) has survived.

True. The original survived. But it must not always be so.

> I am a lazy one, so I think I would automate this process a little bit.
> In the crontab:
> ... /path/to/amdump sure_config && trivial_mo_script && echo -en
> "all\ny\n" | /path/to/amflush flush_config && your_tape_rewind_command

Nice idea... but life is always a little different than theory. You'd
better do this manually. The reason is that sometimes (~10% of AMANDA
runs) the space on the MO disk is used up and there are still images on
the holding disk that could not be copied. 

This does not have to do with a wrong capacity declaration in
amanda.conf. This happens when some filesystems change rapidly, or
change a lot during backup, or the estimates were not 100% correct, or
there were vfat systems and my wrapper script for gtar (which uses mtime
rather than inodes to find what changed on the vfat filesystem) did not
compute the estimate correctly (ask tar why...), or there was a very
large filesystem that _had_ to be backed up, or..., or... ;-) 

These are the cases when AMANDA reports a percentage of tape used more
that 100%. Example: the "tape" capacity is declared as 600000K, which is
definitely correct for a MO disk with 615822 available 1024-blocks
(according to df output), but AMANDA has created images amounting to
625MB (~655000K). 

I then use an extra MO disk (which I have only for this purpose) to
write the rest of the images there. I then verify them (using a modified
amverify script, hacked to verify images on disks, rather than tapes)
*and only after I have done this* I start amflush. Since the tapes I use
have a little more (~40MB) capacity than my MO disks, this is not an
issue for them.

Since I am lazy too, I have automated this process: I have written down
the most useful commands and I just cut and paste them, when I need
them. For example:

To copy the names of the files that have 0 length
(could not be copied to MO due to insufficient space)
to a file:

ll /scsi/DynaMo/linux/20010201/* | grep " 0 Feb" | awk '{print $9}' >



Chris Karakas
Don´t waste your cpu time - crack rc5:

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