>I have the server configured as a client as well and it is working as

That's a real good start.

>I created the .amandahosts file in the amanda user's home directory ...
>[amanda@client amanda]$ ls -la
>total 36
>drwxrwxr-x    2 amanda   disk         4096 Jan 31 15:08 .
>drwxr-xr-x    8 root     root         4096 Jan 31 10:52 ..
>-rw-rw-r--    1 amanda   disk           26 Jan 31 15:08 .amanadahosts

Ummmm, either that's a copy/paste error or the file name is not
spelled right.  A few too many 'a'-s in there :-).

Also, I'd recommend setting the mode to 0600 or 0400.  You wouldn't
create a .rhosts file like that, would you :-)?

This is probably not your problem, though (since you're not getting any
log files in /tmp/amanda).

>I do not get any files in the /tmp/amanda directory.

Have you gone through these two FAQ items:


If you still have trouble, please post exactly what steps you tried
and what the results were.  From years (and years, and years :-) of
answering this one question, I can tell you the details are critical.

>Does amanda need any rights to /var/logs ?


>Do the user IDs need to match?  They weren't prior, I synced them as
>one of my shots in the dark.

Not sure what you mean here.  The user name in inetd.conf (or xinetd,
as Joshua pointed out) has to match the user you named on ./configure.

However, if /tmp/amanda is not getting anything, I suspect something
earlier than that is getting in the way (like TCP wrappers, as Joshua

>both are running amanda 2.4.2

Any reason you're not using 2.4.2p2?  Lots of fixes have happened since
plain 2.4.2.

However, take a look at the advfs patch on www.amanda.org.  It's needed
for Linux.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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