This seems like an obvious question, and yet I'm stumped figuring out how to do it.

I am backing up four machines onto vtapes that I burn to DVD. Because the vast majority of my data being backed up never changes, this is almost effectively an archival setup (but not quite, and I'm not currently willing to set up different configs for the archival vs. non- archival, my setup works nicely for me).

My runspercycle is fairly high since I don't mind accumulating incrementals over a fairly long period due to how little actual change occurs on a daily basis.

Naturally, as disks are promoted to balance out the load and as normal timing comes around to run full backups, I end up with a number of vtapes that are no longer active. Looking at my tapelist, I see that all of the vtapes are currently listed as reuse and that there's no indication that tape 1 (for instance) is no longer "active" since the most recent full backup has effectively rendered it "inactive".

What I'd like to be able to do is have an automated way to tell which vtapes have been superseded meaning that all of the backup images have more recent images at that or lower level on a later tape.

Is there an automated way to do this currently? I'm sure that I can devise a way to go through the index files are build a model of the current tape contents and note which ones are no longer active, but it feels like something that ought to have been done already. Has it?


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