To use spam_quarantine_cutoff_level, first you need a
quarantine. So you would have to define a separate quarantine_to for each
user who desires this. You would also have to set spam_kill_level for
each user. spam_kill_level is the trigger to quarantine something. I
believe you would also globally have to set $final_spam_destiny to either
D_BOUNCE or D_DISCARD in order for the spam to not end up in the
users' mailboxes. This should be OK if the spam_kill_level is sufficiently
high enough for the remainder of the users (9999.9).

spam_kill_level is the level at which the message is quarantined, correct? But I'm not really using that, I'm just using spam_tag2_level. Is spam_kill_level for the internal quarantine use? Or is it a setting to discard the message to /dev/null? I would think "kill" would mean "Get rid of".....

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