We are doing LDAP queries, but we can't cache them. Long story.

We're using round robin MX. Everything is setup correctly. It just seems like the relay servers can't handle it.

How can you tell that you handled 2.1 million messages? is there some kind of program that can analyze the log?

I think we handled MUCH more than that. More like 5 million in one day. I could be just guessing, but when I shut off the servers to the delivery world, the queues got to about 10,000 in about half hour.

Postfix filters are set to the max. I think our main option is to create a third relay server... any other ideas?


Michael Scheidell wrote:

More ram and use round robin MX records?

I have a 850mz PIII that did 2.1 Million messages today (yes, it gets a
little tired when it hits 6mm per day, no  I am not a sadist, just
wanted to see how much a 850Mhz PII count take)

Try relying more on postfix filters for the 'this can't possibly be
good' emails, local relay_users checking and maybe the
bogusmx.rfc-ignorant.org RBL (in postfix)

If you are doing local ldap queries, try caching them (postfix can't,
implement it yourself)


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