cwood wrote:

> I'm running Amavisd 2.3.3 with a pretty generic setup.

> I upgraded from SA 3.1.1 to SA 3.1.2 and I am now seeing the following
> error message:

> Jun  1 09:22:24 dent amavis[17593]: (17593-01) SA TIMED OUT, <...>

With that version of amavisd-new, this worked for me:
Increase $sa_timeout default from 30 seconds to something like:
$sa_timeout = 50;
in amavisd.conf

It seems to me each new version of SpamAssassin requires more CPU power
than the previous to do its thing in a given amount of time. I don't
know what your machine is like but I find that a 500Mhz machine sometimes
exceeds 30 seconds for the SpamAssassin tests.

Gary V

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