Hi, anyone has a clue on what could cause the command

# /etc/init.d/amavis reload

to fail? the line I find on syslog is

May 13 06:25:50 nahuel amavis[7609]: Net::Server: 2007/05/13-06:25:50
Server closing!
May 13 06:25:50 nahuel amavis[7609]: Net::Server: 2007/05/13-06:25:50
HUP'ing server

It happens when logrotate calls the script for amavis. And whenever
(or mostly) I run the above command.
But if I run

# /etc/init.d/amavis restart

it all goes well.

Debian Sarge 3.1, amavis 2.4.4 set up by way of
www200.pair.com/mecham/spam/, perl 5.8.8 from Backports, spamassassin

The rest of the amavis output when it starts:

May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12334]: logging initialized, log level
2, syslog: amavis.mail
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12334]: starting.  /usr/sbin/amavisd-new
at nahuel.biol.unlp.edu.ar amavisd-new-2.4.4 (20061120), Unicode
aware, LANG="es_AR"
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12334]: user=, EUID: 0 (0);  group=,
EGID: 0 0 (0 0)
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12334]: Perl version               5.008008
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12334]: INFO: no optional modules: Mail::SpamAssas
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12334]: SpamControl: init_pre_chroot done
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Net::Server: Process Backgrounded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Net::Server: 2007/05/13-11:45:16
Amavis (type Net::Server::PreForkSimple) starting! pid(12335)
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Net::Server: Binding to UNIX
socket file /var/lib/amavis/amavisd.sock using SOCK_STREAM
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Net::Server: Binding to TCP port
10024 on host
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Net::Server: Setting gid to "109 109"
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Net::Server: Setting uid to "106"
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Amavis::Conf        2.075
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Archive::Tar        1.30
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Archive::Zip        1.18
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module BerkeleyDB          0.27
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Compress::Zlib      1.41
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Convert::TNEF       0.17
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Convert::UUlib      1.051
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module DBD::mysql          2.9006
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module DBI                 1.46
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module DB_File             1.814
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Digest::MD5         2.36
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module MIME::Entity        5.420
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module MIME::Parser        5.420
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module MIME::Tools         5.420
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Mail::DKIM          0.23
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Mail::DomainKeys    1.0
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Mail::Header        1.74
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Mail::Internet      1.74
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Mail::SPF::Query    1.999001
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Mail::SpamAssassin  3.001008
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Net::Cmd            2.27
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Net::DNS            0.59
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Net::SMTP           2.30
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Net::Server         0.95
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Razor2::Client::Version 2.67
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Time::HiRes         1.86
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Module Unix::Syslog        0.100
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Amavis::DB code      loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Amavis::Cache code   loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: SQL base code        NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: SQL::Log code        NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: SQL::Quarantine      NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Lookup::SQL code     NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Lookup::LDAP code    NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: AM.PDP-in proto code loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: SMTP-in proto code   loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Courier proto code   NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: SMTP-out proto code  loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Pipe-out proto code  NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: BSMTP-out proto code NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Local-out proto code loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: OS_Fingerprint code  NOT loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: ANTI-VIRUS code      loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: ANTI-SPAM code       loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: ANTI-SPAM-SA code    loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Unpackers code       loaded
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found $file            at /usr/bin/file
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: No $dspam,             not using it
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .mail
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .asc
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .uue
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .hqx
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .ync
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: No decoder for       .F
tried: unfreeze, freeze -d, melt, fcat
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .Z    at
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .gz   at /bin/gzip -d
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .gz
(backup, not used)
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .bz2  at
/usr/bin/bzip2 -d
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: No decoder for       .lzo  tried: lzop -d
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: No decoder for       .rpm
tried: rpm2cpio.pl, rpm2cpio
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .cpio at /usr/bin/pax
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .tar  at /usr/bin/pax
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .tar
(backup, not used)
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .deb  at /usr/bin/ar
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .zip
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .rar  at
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .arj  at /usr/bin/arj
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .arc  at
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .zoo  at /usr/bin/zoo
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .lha  at /usr/bin/lha
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .cab  at
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .tnef at
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Internal decoder for .tnef
(backup, not used)
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found decoder for    .exe  at
/usr/bin/unrar; /usr/bin/lha; /usr/bin/arj
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Using internal av scanner code
for (primary) ClamAV-clamd
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Found secondary av scanner
ClamAV-clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: Creating db in
/var/lib/amavis/db/; BerkeleyDB 0.27, libdb 4.3
May 13 11:45:16 nahuel amavis[12335]: SpamControl: initializing
May 13 11:45:20 nahuel amavis[12335]: SpamControl: init_pre_fork done
May 13 11:45:20 nahuel amavis[12337]: TIMING [total 9 ms] - bdb-open:
9 (100%)100, rundown: 0 (0%)100
May 13 11:45:20 nahuel amavis[12338]: TIMING [total 8 ms] - bdb-open:
8 (100%)100, rundown: 0 (0%)100
May 13 11:45:20 nahuel amavis[12339]: TIMING [total 6 ms] - bdb-open:
6 (100%)100, rundown: 0 (0%)100


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