I use an afl for backtesting the reference ticker and this works fine.  I use 
the same afl for individual backtesting of each symbol in a watchlist and this 
does not work the way I want it to.  The problem is with the start date.  Say 
that I am backtesting from 4/1/2004 to today, and say also that I have only two 
symbols in the watchlist, one with a start date back to 2000 and another since 
12/31/2009.  I would like to change the afl to do the following.

1. Check to find out if user is doing individual backtest.
2. If individual bactest, then provide null or something else that is 
meaningful for any symbol in the watchlist that does not have data back to the 
range start date.

Maybe this is not the correct direction to go in.  The problem today is that 
the afl provides all the stats for each of the two tickers.  The stats for 
symbol one are for 4/1/2004 to present.  Great.  But the stats for symbol two 
are unknown and later found to be for only the last few months (i.e., 
12/31/2009 start date to present). Not good.

Thanks for the help.


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