
TWS API has C, Java, .Net and ActiveX interfaces.
IB Controller has an ActiveX interface (COM object).

>From AFL you can use any ActiveX objects e.g IB controller. 
>From an AB plug-in you can use IB Controller as an ActiveX object as well. 
>That is a bit cumbersome work to do... Especially as it is advised to use late 
>binding (IDispach interface...).

It is easier to do it in .NET. See "Advanced Samples\Sample7 ActiveX.afl" and 
the corresponding .Net method of the .Net SDK.

You can download .Net SDK from http://sites.google.com/site/dotnetsdkforab/

The SDK is gonna be soon available for AB 5.30. Current version works with AB 
5.20. If you use the latest AB Beta or RC, you have to install the latest 
puginhost beta, too.



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