The grids are probably going positive due to leaky coupling caps from the
previous stage. A common occurrence in many HA-410's and 460's. The part
number (I have all the part numbers for most of the Lafayette stuff at
the part level) remained the same for the entire life-cycle of the
chassis. The case also retained the same part number throughout its life.
All my original manuals for the 410 and 460 showing the variations (2
versions) retained the same physical dimensions.
Pete, wa2cwa
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 16:01:16 -0600 "Mike Duke, K5XU" <>
> Hi, Pete.
> I thought someone had commented before, but I had lost the print-out 
> of the other post before sending both rigs to the technician who is 
> helping me get one of them going.
> The newer model, in my case at least, is a little bit smaller 
> physically than the older one.
> It appears that someone tried to modify the audio without knowing 
> what 
> they were doing.
> Some wiring has been changed, and the audio tubes are running red, 
> even on receive.
> We'll dig further into it, and see what we find.
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