At this point in time we do not know active the new crew will be.  As  with 
every new crew, the crew is off limits for a few weeks once they have  
docked to allow for them to get acclimated to space and learn their way around  
the ISS.
The first scheduled ARISS school contact with the new crew is Università  
degli studi di Bari “Cittadella Mediterranea della Scienza”, Bari, Ba, 
Italy, direct via IZ7EVR  slated for Sat 2011-01-08 12:21:55 UTC  41.2 deg.  So 
look for activity starting about then. 
As  always, I attempt to keep everyone up to date with the latest schedule 
when I  post to the various bulletin boards.  Also monitor the ISS Fan Club 
webpage  for activity announcements..
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS mentors
In a message dated 12/27/2010 6:52:57 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I guess I'm a little late  coming to the party, but is there any possibility
of working the station  post Col.  Wheelock?

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