Dennis Miller wrote:

> We are running analog 4.03 on Solaris.
> I want to get a distinct count of just a portion of the site
> (/International/*), but instead I
> get a complete count of all the pages on the site in the Summary report,
> and the correct count in the request report.
> Here is an excerpt from the config file:
> FILEINCLUDE /International/*

This should limit the report to just that section of the site unless you 
have a FILEINCLUDE later that is affecting it. Try running analog 
-settings to see what Analog thinks it's doing.

> PAGEEXCLUDE content.html,ads.html,nav.html,*.htm,*.html
> PAGEINCLUDE index.html,index.shtml
> It seems that it is counting all the "/" as pages, not just the ones I
> included.

The default PAGEINCLUDE statement is

   PAGEINCLUDE *.htm,*.html.*/,*.asp

You could do

   PAGEINCLUDE */index.html,*/index.shmtl

If all you really want to count as pages are those two files in any 


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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